Elmhurst dentist explains how sedation treatments can make dental care comfortable for many patients

Written by Dr. Scharfenberg on Oct 30, 2012

If you’ve ever experienced dental fear or anxiety, you know how difficult it can be to get the treatment you need at the dentist’s office. Our Elmhurst dental office is committed to helping patients get the care they need with sedation dentistry measures. Modern technology and sedation dentistry can help you get all the care you need comfortably and quickly.

So what kinds of patients can benefit from sedation and relaxation dentistry treatments? Read on for more information! If you see yourself reflected in this list please don’t hesitate to contact our dental team to get the sedation treatment you need!

Patients who are afraid of dentists due to bad past experiences. If you had a bad dental experience as a child or in your youth, our dental team can help you overcome negative associations with dentistry. Feel free to share your concerns with our compassionate dental staff—we’ll walk you through your treatment process and help you stay comfortable.

Patients who are afraid of pain. If you’re worried about pain associated with dental treatment, we offer a number of sedation options that will keep you pain-free. Thanks to modern technology, dental treatment is more comfortable than ever, and with sedation treatment we can help you achieve a pain-free dental experience.

Patients who are afraid of losing control. Patients who are afraid of giving up control in the dentist’s chair often benefit from sedation treatments that allow them to stay conscious and communicative throughout treatment. We offer treatment options that will allow you to stay conscious and comfortable.

With modern technology and sedation treatments there are more ways than ever to stay comfortable in the dentist’s chair. Please give our Elmhurst dental office a call for more information or to schedule your own consultation. Working together we’ll make sure that you get dental care you need without fear and anxiety.